Cadastral Surveys:
These are all about Boundaries or Property Lines.
They include things like:
Subdivisions – Moving, changing or creating new property lines
Boundary Retracements (Restake) – Locating and marking a boundary on the ground
Plan of Survey – Showing the relationship between boundaries and other features on a plan
Surveyors Real Property Report – A special Plan of Survey prepared primarily for lending institutions
Cadastral Surveys have always been a primary focus of DON-MORE and continues to form a large part of our daily workload. Click on any of the links above for a more detailed explanation of these types of surveys and the possible services we can offer you.
Pre-Engineering/Topographic Surveys:
Pre-Engineering or Topographic surveys develop a picture of what a site looks like today. These are often performed prior to design and construction for the development of a site. Each of these surveys are custom tailored to what the clients needs are.
Typical features would include things like asphalt edges, road centrelines, curbs and sidewalks, storm and sanitary sewer structures, power and communications services, buildings, etc.
Often the surface of the ground is represented as a Digital Terrain Model (DTM). This is a computer generated model that represents the surface of the ground and allows calculations to be performed and potential development options to be assessed relative to where the ground is today. This is important for things like balancing cuts and fills (making sure there is not a need to import or export large volumes of earth to or from the site), assessing suitability and build-ability of design relative to existing site constraints such as existing roads, buildings, or other infrastructure.
Topographic survey plan showing roadside ditch
Photo of area represented in topographic survey plan
Construction Surveys:
Constructing a small house to a large industrial project, we can help!
Things like:
Siting the building on the property, plot plans, grading plans, excavation plans, blasting plans
Locating foundation corners for excavation and installation of form work
Locating grid lines and foundation corners for excavation and installation of form work
Layout of the building on the site – building outline for excavation, footing corners, foundation corners, grid lines, grades
Layout throughout the construction process – transfer grid lines and grades to subsequent floors, formwork, rebar, anchor bolt and embed locations
As-builts of constructed works
Photogrammetry / LiDAR / 3D Scanning
Air Photo Interpretation
Air Photo Collection and Processing
Single Photos
Photo Mosaics
Rectified Imagry
LiDAR Processing and Contour Map Development
Specialized 3D Laser Scanning
Point Cloud Production
Data Extraction from Dense Point Clouds